Poems - Musings

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A String of Paper Hearts

There is a string of paper hearts that gracefully drape from the top of my bedroom window. I woke this morning with the sound of them fluttering in the gentle breeze coming through the blinds. There are fourteen hearts strung together, each with the same size, and shape, yet each one is made from paper of a different texture and pattern. Some of the patterns are simple, a basic bold stripe running lengthwise, or a single subdued color that is more of an overall impression than a pattern. Some of the patterns are complex; as if they might have been more closely related to a Jackson Pollock painting, with drips and splatters that look chaotic at first, but upon consideration, look amazingly organized and beautifully reminiscent of the cosmos.

This string of paper hearts looks so delicate to me. The ends are firmly attached to the window frame head, but I wonder if the gentle breeze were a stronger wind might the string snap in two? There is a tropical storm off the New England coast, and for an instant I consider closing the window. But, the breeze is gentle, and cool, and a welcome change from the troubling heat this summer has brought forth. It is distant enough to bring the string of paper hearts to life. So instead, I simply lie comfortably in bed, looking up to watch the dancing hearts. I allow myself to enjoy the moment without worries, imagining, that maybe the breeze knows I’m here, and that I’m so grateful to be alive.